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The Law of Attraction and Bad Luck

Your Success or Failure Lies Totally in Your Response to Life

Few talk about this, because the idea is that if you are doing the Law of Attraction correctly, you won't have bad luck or failure. This is just not so. Events may occur which at first are difficult and seem to be bad luck. Your future success, or failure, is in your response.

I once had a car accident (at 15 mph) on the first day of a vacation. At the time, I was working per diem and couldn't afford to miss a day of work, so it was luck that it happened on a vacation day. The most wonderful part of it was that the other parties insurance paid the whole bill (no deductible when the other guys' insurance pays) and we discovered a serious problem with our car that needed to be fixed anyway. Their insurance paid for a rental car at insurance company rates, which we extended for one day at that same low rate to take care of the mechanical fault that we needed to have fixed. I didn't miss a day of work because of the rental car.

Do you see how what seemed to be bad luck was a clever way for the Universe to make it possible for me to fix some wheel bearings that needed fixing anyway. If I hadn't fixed it, I could have had a serious accident at high speed.

I believe that my response to the accident -- one of trust in the Universe, although a little questioning about the reason -- was what set the tone for the events that followed.

Complaining Never Does the Slightest Good

Every week I hear people talk about reasonable gripes or complaints they had at work, and the reasonable things they said to their bosses, right before they got fired. If you are ever tempted to do this, HALT!

HALT is an AA acronym that stands for Hungry/Angry/Lonely/Tired. Women should probably add, pre-menstrual and make it PHALT. AA is warning their participants to STOP if they feel any of those feelings and not say what's on their mind. Often, when feeling stronger, you would hold your tongue.

Most bosses don't want to hear your complaints. Most bosses have their own problems and their own complaints. They want you to be the solution to their problems, and not someone who is adding to their problems. If you become another problem for your boss, you will probably not be rewarded, or "lucky".

Focusing on what makes you unhappy, will energize these elements in your life, and the Law of Attraction will respond to this energy with giving you more. Focus instead on what you want.

Gaining the Solution

So, how do you stand up for yourself at work or in a personal relationship using the Law of Attraction? You meditate and ask for a solution. Don't turn it over to someone else but find the solution yourself. Ask for it before you fall asleep and you either will dream a solution, or you will be given it in those hazy moments of first awakening. Remember also to ask that you receive a great night's sleep and awaken fully restored.

Take note also, that as a general policy, uni-lateral solutions don't work in a family, a job, or internationally, but multi-lateral solutions often work well. So, look for multi-lateral solutions whenever you are part of a group. Look for those win-win solutions, and you will always have "good luck."

However, in your own life, when thinking of your own personal goals and desires, a uni-lateral solution is called for. Don't be looking to others to give you the answer. This lack of trust in your intuition, your spirit, and your connection to the Universe will send a signal that can only result in "bad luck."

If something seems to be bad luck, and your attitude has been positive and trusting in the Universe, then your response to bad luck will always be, "I wonder how this will help me?" Or, you might ask, "What did I need to learn from this?"

The Universe loves you.

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